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Help with Setting Up PrimTux for Educational Use in Schools
Hi everyone,

I am fairly new to PrimTux and was hoping to get some advice from the community. I am planning to set it up for a small educational project at a local school, where we want to use it for students from different age groups. I've installed it on a few machines, but I am wondering if there are any tips or recommended practices for optimizing it for students' use, especially for younger kids. When I was Googling for the same I came across these resources/articles https://primtux.fr/ UiPath Installation however they are good but I want to learn more from community members.

Are there any specific tools or configurations you'd recommend to make it more user-friendly? Also, if you have any advice on managing multiple users or keeping the system secure while kids are using it, that would be super helpful.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions. ?

votre question n'est pas claire à mes yeux.

Souhaitez vous des informations sur la manière d'installer et d'utiliser UIpath ? Auquel cas cas c'est à UIpath qu'il faut vous adresser.

Souhaitez-vous des informations complémentaires sur la manière de configurer PrimTux ? Auquel cas vous pouvez dans un premier temps consulter cette documentation
puis revenir sur ce forum avec des questions plus précises sur ce que vous souhaitez faire si vous n'y trouvez pas réponse.

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