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(Re)bonjour à tous ! Créateur de logiciels ici, cherche béta testeurs.
Editeur de quiz

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Example d'un fichier .gift qu'on peut ouvrir:

Code :
::Jesus' hometown::Jesus Christ was from {
~Jerusalem#This was an important city, but is wrong.
~%25%Bethlehem#He was born here, but not raised
~%50%Galilee#You need to be more specific.
=Nazareth#Yes! That's right!

// [tag:Grant][tag:Multianswer][tag:Feedback]
What two people are entombed in Grant's tomb? {
~No one#No one
~%50%Grant's wife#He was romantic
~Grant's father#No way
####What a stupid question

::Jesus' hometown::Jesus Christ was from {
~Jerusalem#This was an important city, but is wrong.
~%25%Bethlehem#He was born here, but not raised
~%50%Galilee#You need to be more specific.
=Nazareth#Yes! That's right!

// [tag:Grant][tag:Multianswer]
What two people are entombed in Grant's tomb? {
~No one
~%50%Grant's wife
~Grant's father

// [tag:Grant][tag:Multianswer]
What two people are entombed in Grant's tomb? {
~%-50%No one
~%50%Grant's wife
~%-50%Grant's father

// true/false
::Q1:: 1+1=2 {T}

// multiple choice with specified feedback for right and wrong answers
::Q2:: What's between orange and green in the spectrum?
{ =yellow # right; good! ~red # wrong, it's yellow ~blue # wrong, it's yellow }

// fill-in-the-blank
::Q3:: Two plus {=two =2} equals four.

// matching
::Q4:: Which animal eats which food? { =cat -> cat food =dog -> dog food }

// math range question
::Q5:: What is a number from 1 to 5? {#3:2}

// math range specified with interval end points
::Q6:: What is a number from 1 to 5? {#1..5}
// translated on import to the same as Q5, but unavailable from Moodle question interface

// multiple numeric answers with partial credit and feedback
::Q7:: When was Ulysses S. Grant born? {#
         =1822:0      # Correct! Full credit.
         =%50%1822:2  # He was born in 1822. Half credit for being close.

// essay
::Q8:: How are you? {}

Vous pouvez le télécharger là:


Il ya une version javascript ici https://barbouillis.gitlab.io/quizeditor/ ( quelques légères différences, les étiquettes ne marchent pas pour linstant)

Messages dans ce sujet
RE: (Re)bonjour à tous ! Créateur de logiciels ici, cherche béta testeurs. - par Yoplalal - 22-02-2023, 16:42:21

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Utilisateur(s) parcourant ce sujet : 1 visiteur(s)